+š+ +ш+
zelen+, зелен+ (green)
zelenš+ / зеленш+ (greener)
zelenše drevo / зеленшe древо (greener tree)
než неж
Trava suseda je vždy zelenša než tvoja.
Трава суседа є вжды зеленша неж твоя.
(Neighbour's grass is always greener than yours)
See the resolution table for than
bolje болье
menje менье
širok+, широк+ (wide)
bolje široke / болье широке (more wide)
menje široke / менье широке (less wide)
See the resolution table for more and lessnaj нај най
biel+, бьел+ (white)
najbielše / најбьелше / найбьелше (the whitest)
Simplified formnaj biele / нај бьеле / най бьеле (the most white)
great → velike, велике
greater → večše, вечше
small → male, мале
smaller → menše, менше
good → dobre, добре
better → lepše, лепше
bad → zle, зле
worse → gorše, горше
wide → široke, широке
wider → širše, ширше
Nastupna strana: Noun Adjective