Slaviany su grupou podobno govoriucyh ľudi. Na žaľ spolny slovnik jezykov slovianskyh jest maly. Ov projekt jest zato aby zatvariť prostor medzi jezykami i utvoriť spolny jezyk sloviansky v sposob demokratičny. Taky jezyk može byť potom uživany do spolnej komunikacji medzi Slovianami bez uživania jezyka anglijskego.
Slovians (Slavians, Slavs) are a group of similarily speaking people. Unfortunately the common vocabulary of Slavic languages is limited. This project is about to close the gap (or at least to make it smaller) and generate Common Slavic Language in a democratic way. Such language could be then used for inter-Slavic communication instead of English.
See Approach.Jedin iz glavnyh problemov spolnego rozumenia to "bariera kirilična". Alfabet latinsky uživany jest v Čehiji, Poľske, Horvatiji, Slovakiji, Sloveniji a alfabet kiriličny uživany jest v Bělaruśi, Bolgariji, Makedonii, Rusiji, Srbiji i Ukrajine.
One of the main problems for mutual understanding is the "cyrillic barrier". Latin alphabet is used in Czechia, Poland, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia and cyrillic alphabet is used in Belarus, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine.
See the Alphabet or Learn Cyrillics. If you want to write use Keyboard.Možete uživať orodja aby konvertovať niekake teksty kirilica-latinica i uvidieť rezultaty prekladu. Možete na priklad uživať narodnyh Wikipedii aby zbirať teksty:
You can use the tools to convert some of the text cyryllic-latin and see the translation results. You can use for example national Wikipedia sites to collect texts:
See Transliterator or Transcriptor.
Ako budete čytať viče i viče tekstov, uvidite že niektore zakony gramatične su spolne. Niektore su logične, niektory su korysne, niektore poviny byť vydalene. Væčšina jest v konflikte. Jest potrebny system i jasne zakony aby rešiť, ktora versija jest najlepša do uživania.
As you will read more and more texts, you will see that some grammar rules are common. Some are logical, some beneficial, some should be abandoned. Most of them are conflicting. A system and clear rules are necessary to solve out the best version to use.
See Voting system.
Mongo slov do spolnego slovnika jest vziæte iz narodnych slovnikov. Tak jest tomu že ove slova:
Many words for the common vocabulary were taken from national dictionaries. This is because these words:
✅ isnuju už v spoločnosti / they exists already in the communityProste slova su preferovane, možlivo kratke, bez diakritykov. Jest takže mnogo sinonymov ili skracenyh versiji. Ako najbolje možlivo treba izběgať od tvorenia novyh slov, bo one ne budu imať osnovy v literature i početnej osnovy uživateľov, čto sděla je těžke aby vvodiť je do spoločnosti - nikto ih ne zna tak nikto ih ne uživa.
Simple words are preferred, possibly short, without diacritics. There are also many synonyms or shortened versions. As much as possible it should be avoided to create new words, because they will have no base in the literature and no initial user base, which will make them hard to enter the community - nobody knows them so nobody is using them.
See the Dictionary
Ceľ tego projektu jest čisto naukovy. Ščaslivej komunikacji :)
The aim of this website is purely scientific. Happy communication :) See also About