
By default plural of masculine and feminine nouns is made by adding suffix:


dar, дар (gift), dary, дары (gifts)

košt, кошт (cost), košty, кошты (costs)

dom, дом (home), domy, домы (homes)

žena, жена (woman/wife), ženy, жены (women/wives)

ryba, рыба (fish), tri ryby, три рыбы (three fish)

rog, рог (horn), rogy, рогы (horns*)

mravka, мравка (ant), mravky, мравкы (ants*)

*Plural nouns ending with "k" or "g" also end with -y. Ending such nouns the "Polish way" (with -i) is incorrect, this "softening" occurs only in Polish language.


Neuter nouns plural is made by adding suffix:


auto, ауто (car), auta, аута (cars)

miesto, мьесто (city), miesta, мьеста (cities)

koleno, колено (knee), kolena, колена (knees)

jezero, језеро (lake), jezera, језера (lakes)

kraľevstvo, кральевство (kingdom), kraľevstva, кральевства (kingdoms)


Some nouns have irregular plural form:

children dieti дьети; parents rodiče родиче; ears uši уши; eyes oči очи; eyebrows brvi брви; hundreds sotni сотни; lungs pľuca пльуца; studies studia студя; things veči вечи;

Vowel reduction

Nouns that end with -c reduce last vowel(s) in the suffix:

buyer kupec купец, buyers kupcy купцы, seller prodavac продавац, sellers prodavcy продавцы, boy chlapec хлапец, boys chlapcy хлапцы, dweller mieškaniec мьешканьец, dwellers mieškancy мьешканцы, fiance zaročenec зароченец, fiances zaročency зароченцы, singer pev певач, singers pevčy певчы, foreigner cudzinec цудзинец, foreigners cudzincy цудзинцы, hunter lovec ловец, hunters lovcy ловцы, madman šilenec шиленец, madmen šilency шиленцы.

This also applies to nationals: European (person) Evropejec Европејец, Europeans Evropejcy Европејцы, German (person) Niemec Ньемец, Germans Niemcy Ньемцы, Brazilian (person) Brazilec Бразилец, Brazilians Brazilcy Бразилцы,

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