
To form infinitive version of the stem add the suffix:


If you can't use diacritics you can use:

-ti  -ти

See the resolution table for infinitive


ima~, има~ (have)

imať, imati, имать, имати (to have)

говори~, govori~ (speak)

govoriť, govoriti, говорить, говорити (to speak)

-uje infinitives

If a verb ends with -uje the infinitive is made with -ovať / -ovati.
For example need~ → potrebuje~, потребује~; to need → potrebovať, потребовать

Irregular Infinitives

There are some infinitives which are different than their stems:

byť быть (to be)
isti исти (to go)
prinesti принести (to bring)
prijti прийти (to come)
běžet, бьежет (to run)

There are also several irregular infinitives denoted in the dictionary with with ∞ mark. To create infinitive replace ∞ with or ~ti, to create past replace ∞ with ~l. They are different than their conjugation stems, for example:

dodať додать (to add)
začať зачать (to begin)
kupiť купить (to buy)
dať дать (to give)
držať држать (to hold)
prať прать (to launder)
prijať приять (to receive)
jehať ехать (to ride)
spať спать (to sleep)
stať стать (to stand)
pisať писать (to write)

The infinitive stem must be also used for past participle.

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