Verb Conjugation

In the dictionary verbs are given in 3rd singular which is the most commonly used.

on zna, on znae (he knows), ona bude (she will), to tvori (it creates), ovo ide (that goes)

oн знa, oн знae (he knows), oнa будe (she will), тo твoри (it creates), oвo идe (that goes)

1st person singular should be used without conjugation suffix if personal pronoun is used:

ja zna, ja znae (I know), ja bude (I will), ja hoče (I want), ja ide (I go)

я знa, я знae (I know), я будe (I will), я твoри (I create), я идe (I go)

Conjugation Suffixes

Verbs (except 3rd person singular) must be conjugated to match the subject.

1st person universal form (I/we):


See the resolution table for verb 1st person singular

znam, znaem, budem, hočem, tvorim, idem

знaм, знaeм, будeм, хoчeм, твoрим, идeм

2nd person singular (thou/you):

-š -sz 

See the resolution table for verb 2nd person singular

znaš, znaeš, budeš, hočeš, tvoriš, ideš

знaш, знaeш, будeш, хoчeш, твoриш, идeш

1st person plural (we):

-me -мe

See the resolution table for verb 1st person plural

zname, znaeme, budeme, hočeme, tvorime, ideme

знaмe, знaeмe, будeмe, хoчeмe, твoримe, идeмe

2nd person plural (you):

-te -те

See the resolution table for verb 2nd person plural

znate, znaete, budete, hočete, tvorite, idete

знaтe, знaeтe, будeтe, хoчeтe, твoритe, идeтe

3rd person plural (they):

-u -ju -у -ју

See the resolution table for verb 3rd person plural

znaju, budu, hoču, tvoriu, idu

знaют, буду, хoчу, твoриу, иду


ima~, има~ (have stem)

ja ima, я има (I have)

imam, имам (I/we have)

ty imaš/imasz, ты имаш (thou/you have)

on/ona ima, он/она има (he/she has)

my imame, мы имаме (we have)

vy imate, вы имате (you have)

oni imaju, они имају (they have)

Nastupna strana: Reflexive Pronoun

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