Adverbial Participle

Verbs can be converted to imperfective adverbial participles with suffix:

~uc ~уц

pije~ / пије~ (drink - conjugation steam)

piť / пить (to drink - infintitive)

pijuc / пијюц ([while] drinking)

*Note that imperfective adverbial participle requires conjugation stem (not infinitive stem)

On šel prez miesto pijuc pivo, kdga uvidil go policajt. Oн шел през мєстo пиюц пивo, кгдa увидил гo пoлицaйт. (He went through a city [while] drinking beer, when a policeman have seen him)

Verbs can be also converted to perfective adverbial participles with suffix:

~vši ~вши

kaže~ / каже~ (tell)

kazať / казать (to be telling - imperfective infinitive)

skazať / сказать (to have told - perfective infinitive)

skazavši / сказавши ([after] having told)

*Note that perfective adverbial participle requires infinitive stem (not conjugation stem)

Skazavši čto mysli, pošel prez miesto pijuc pivo. Скaзaвши чтo мысли, пoшел през мєстo пиюц пивo. ([After] Having told what he thinks, he went off through a city [while] drinking beer)

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