Vocative is made by adding suffix to -a and -i verb stem:
~j singular | ~jte plural |
Vidij to! (See it!)
Tvorij jablko! (Create an apple!)
Plesaj pomalšie! (Dance slower!)
Znaj moje milosrdie! (Know my mercy!)
Gledaj na to! (Look on this!)
Vidijte to! (You see it!)
Tvorijte jablko! (You create an apple!)
If the stem ends with -je remove the -e letter:
Analizuj to! (Analyze it!)
Daj mi to! (Give it to me!)
Analizujte to! (Analyze it!)
Dajte mi to! (You give it to me!)
Ne plavaj daleko od bregu! (Don't swim too far from shore!)
There are however few irregular vocative verbs (in the dictionary indicated by ! sign):
buď! be! |
idi! go! |
miej! have! |
stań! stand! |
Buď dobry dla inyh ljudi! (Be good for other people!)
Idi prosto a potom na pravo! (Go straightforward and then right!)
Plural irregular vocatives are made by suffix !te
Buďte tut zaŭtra! (You be here tomorrow!)
Idite prosto a a potom stańte tam! (You go straight and then stand there!)
Miejte s soboj palivo! (You have fuel with yourself!)
In general 1st person plural doesn't require specialized word similar to English "let's". Vocative form is made by suffix ~jme
Gledajme to a potom ocenjujme! (Let's look [at] it and then rate!)
Dvigajme tiežky televizor v tri osoby! (Let's lift heavy tv set in three persons!)
However there is a word that emphasizes the vocative form davajte! similar to English "come on!"
Davajte iskajme go dalej! ([come on] Let's search him furter!)
Nastupna strana: Subordinate Sentences