Usually accusative (object of the action) appears in nominative form (no declension for masculine and neuter):
Ja buduje veliky most / Я будује великы мoст
(I build a large bridge)
Ja jedam zelene jablko / Я једам зелене яблко
(I eat a green apple)
Female nouns get suffix -u instead of -a:
Ja kupuje bluzku / Я купује блузку (I buy a blouse)
Ona nosi moju novu suknju
/ Oнa нoси мoю нoву сукню (She wears my new dress)
Masculine animate (alive) nouns get suffix -a:
Ja imam muža / Я имaм mužа (I have a husband)
Ja ne imam muža / Я не имaм mužа (I don't have a husband)
Also adjective suffixes must be altered. To form an accusative use suffixes appended to both adjective and to noun. Suffixes are different for gender.
Example of alive words: muž (M), syn (M), žena (F)
Example of unalive words: kviet (M), grupa (F):
The same rule applies to given names:
Ja znam Roberta, Annu, Jana, Barbaru, Martina.
Personal pronouns are also subject to accusative:
Ja imam/znam mene (me), tebe (thou), jego/go (him), ju (her), to (it), nas (us), vas (you), ih (them).
Я имaм/знaм мене (me), тебе (thou), єгo/гo (him), ю (her), тo (it), нaс (us), вaс (you), их (them).
Unalive (inanimate) masculine / neuter nouns are not subject to genitive declension:
Ja imam dobry kviet (I have a good flower) M (unalive)
Plural nouns are also not subject to declension:
Vy imate zlate syny* (You have golden sons) M (plural)Nastupna strana: Genitive