To form a genitive (similar to English "of") use suffixes appended to both adjective and to noun. Suffixes are different for gender and number.
Singular | Plural | |
Masculine | -ego -a | -yh -ov |
Feminine (-a) | -ej -y | -yh |
Neuter (-o) | -ego -a | -yh |
Example for words: muž (M), žena (F), drevo (N), syn (M), grupa (F), koleno (N):
Nominative | Gender | Genitive |
+y muž syn | M | +ego muža syna |
+a žena grupa | F | +ej vody grupy |
+e drevo koleno | N | +ego dreva kolena |
Kviet mojego dobrego muža (Flower of my good husband) S/M
Uho tvojej novej ženy (Ear of thour new wife) S/F
Priklad malego dreva (Example of his small tree) S/N
Buducnost zlatyh synov (Future of golden sons) P/M
Jezyk našyh staryh predkov (Language of our old ancestors) P/M
Faza vašyh zelenyh grup (-) (Phase of your green groups) P/F
Konec velikyh kraľevstv (-) (End of great kingdoms) P/N
Ide do novej pracy bez mojego muža. (I go new work without my husband)
Važny dokument prišel do našego ureda iz neznanej firmy. (Important document came to our office from unknown company)
Zamesto širokyh ulic, mesto buduje krasne parky. (Instead of wide streets, city builds beautiful parks)