
To form abstraction noun from an adjective use suffix:

+ost +ост

The formed noun has feminine gender.


mlad+ / млад+ (young)

mladost / младост (youth)

велик+ / velik+ (great)

великост / velikost (greatness)

tvrd+ / тврд+ (hard)

tvrdost / тврдост (hardness)

star+ / стар+ (old)

starost / старост (oldness)


Anna ima veliku popularnost / Aннa имa велику пoпулaрнoст
(Anna has great popularity)

Grač potvrdzuje svoju velikost / Грaч пoтврдзує свoю великoст
(Player confirms own greatness)


Other cases and plural just ends with -i suffix:

V čase mojej mladosti (At the time of of my youth)

Ideme dnes do našej velikosti (We go today to our greatness)

Ona govori o bezpečnosti školy. (She speaks about safety of the school)

Niekoliko slučajnosti tvori logičnu petľu (Few coincidences create logical loop)

Nastupna strana: Gerund

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