Gerund is a verb stem converted to a noun. In English gerund is often cofused with present participle because both have suffix -ing, however they act as subject or object:
Eating oranges is healthy. Jedanie pomarančy je zdrave.
Hunting tigers is dangerous. Lovienie tigrov je nebezpečne.
Flying gives me happiness. Letanie daje mi ščastie.
Gaining on investment is important. Ziskanie na investicji je važne.
-nie -ние
See the resolution table for gerundGerund must be built from infinitive stem, for example ignorovať → ignorovanie (ignoring)
acceleration uskorenie, approval odobrenie, approximation približenie, attitude odnošenie, existence (being) istnienie, birth narodenie, composition zloženie, confession vyznanie, decision rešenie, edition izdanie, embarrassment smuščenie, exercise cvičenie, impression vraženie, inquiry zapytanie, justification opravdanie, learning učenie, listening slušanie, loanword zapožyčenie, measurement meranie, question (asking) pytanie, reading čytanie, research badanie, speaking govorenie, supplying zasobovanie, tracking sledovanie, understanding razumienie/rozumienie, writing pisanie.
Nastupna strana Artificial Verbs