
Stems are meaninful roots which are used to create words (nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives etc) by adding different prefixes/suffixes.

~ denotes verb root, + denotes adjective root

Verb Examples

zna~ зна~ (know) [verb root]

~š ~ш (2nd person singular verb)

znaš, знаш (thou know)

~te ~те (2nd person plural verb)

znate, знате (you know)

~l ~л (past verb)

znal, знал (knew)

Adjective Examples

čern+ черн+ (black) [adjective root]

+a (female singular adjective)

černa vdova, черна вдова (black widow) [adjective matches noun gender]

~n+ ~н+ (verb to adjective converter)

znan+, знан+ (known) [adjective]

znana vdova, знана вдова (known widow)

Nastupna strana: Personal Pronouns

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