Core verbs have irregular future simple form. In the dictionary they are listed under "will {verb}":
Examples: will begin → začne~ зачне~, will buy → kupi~ купи~, will find → najde~ найде~, will give → da~ да~, will change → zmieni~ змьени~, will open → otvori~ отвори~, will see → uvidi~ увиди~, will sell → proda~ прода~, will tell → skaže~ скаже~, etc.
To form future simple use perfective prefixes. Each verb has own specific prefective prefix:
s- z- с- з-
tvori~ (create), on stvori, oн ствoри (he will create)
analizuje~ (analyze), on zanalizuje, oн зaнaлизуе (he will analyze)
Other perfective prefixes may act as prepositions:
na- на-
on something
pre- пре-
over/through something
od- од-
away/off something
vy-/iz- вы-/из-
from/out of something
do- до-
to something
pod- под-
under something
piše~ (write), on napiše, oн нaпише (he will write down)
analizuje~ (analyze), on preanalizuje, oн преaнaлизуе (he will analyze through)
ide~ (go), on odide, oн oдиде (he will go away)
ide~ (go), on preide, oн преиде (he will go over)
piše~ (write), on podpiše, oн пoдпише (he will write under [sign])
jede~ (ride), on dojede, oн дoеде (he will ride to)
jede~ (ride), on izjede, oн изеде (he will ride out)
piše~ (write), on vypiše/izpiše, oн выпише/изпише (he will write off [sign out])
Nastupna strana: Future Tense